Hello, and welcome to this blogpost.
In this blogpost I will introduce you to methods to know more about what goes on in the brain.
I will explore all kinds of things to do with the brain, and mostly these things are thoughts, and ideas that a person can think of. Or concepts that are used to explain bigger concepts.
At first it will not be as clear what these concepts mean or what all of it mean at all.
It is a process that will over time become more clear.
To access any information we use a method of math to see connections.
In the way to introduce it to you, i shall familiarize yourself with the concept of the alphabet.
This will be used to decode, and understand all these concepts.
The alphabet:
A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9, J=10, K=11, L=12, M=13
N=14, O=15, P=16, Q=17, R=18, S=19, T=20, U=21, V=22, W=23, X=24, Y=25, Z=26
This is the first alphabet method that we will use to familiarize ourself with concepts of thoughts, ideas, and other things.
How to decode?
As you can see each letter of the alphabet is given a number. You also see that it follows a natural flow upwards to higher numbers, with an equal pace.
Decoding is happening by taking a text, and adding all the numbers together of that text.
Here you see the 4 letters of the word TEXT. Find the T above in the alphabet list. And you will see that it is given the value 20, then look for E, which has the value 5, then X, has the value 24, and T again has the value 20.
What you do is:
Add each of the numbers together, the result will be: 69.
There are many ways to add all kinds of text, for now, i can tell you that there is another 69 to be found.
Try this for yourself with the text: MESSAGE, and look up each letter and then add those numbers together.
Just know that what we just did is a practice called Gematria. Its an ancient practice which is used to find meaning in words of the same sum. Mostly for a deeper meaning, or concept.
I conclude this first introduction here, Summit
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